Ben Carson ended his disastrous visit to Baltimore by sharing his assumption that “young men sitting on porches” in the city are unemployed.
The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development decided to visit the city in hopes of saving face after Donald Trump’s recent Twitter attack on the city and it’s Rep. Elijah Cummings.

But Ben Carson might have done more harm than good when he appeared on “Fox and Friends,” and called out the “young men sitting on porches”.
“The people are the ones who are suffering when we have squalor there. I saw so many young men sitting on porches, able-bodied young men. I’m looking for a way now — we are going to be talking about this in Washington — how can we get those young men employed in terms of cleaning up the neighborhoods, in terms of helping to repair some of the structures, gaining some skills to allow them to move up the economic ladder.” Carson said.
Carson’s assumptions about the young men in Baltimore comes the same day he was kicked off the property of Morning Star Baptist Church of Christ. While trying to hold a press conference outside the church, members of the congregation asked Carson to leave.
Gregory Evans, 71, who is a member of the church for 50 years, asked,
“Why did someone come onto church property without permission? This community needs some support on all kinds of issues—on dilapidated housing and everything else. All of a sudden you’re going to show up on our property and not even ask permission to be here?”, The Atlantic reports.
“He’s using it as a photo op to make it look like they are doing something.” Evans added.
An obviously upset Carson told CBS on camera,
“It’s a church! They say, ‘Get off my property.’ A church! … This is the level to which we have sunk as a society.”